The Best-in-Class Community Platform to

Mobilize Supporters

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The trusted platform for campaigns at leading organizations

Countable Connect

The voice of your campaign.

Process thousands of 1:1 calls and texts in minutes
Run high-performing call campaigns at a fraction of the cost.
8x the engagement of other channels.
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“Countable made launching our new engagement platform so simple. The site was up and running faster than we expected and the support from the staff has been spectacular.”
Christy Duncan Anderson
Director, Albertson's Companies Foundation
“I work with numerous tech vendors on the ops side and Countable’s operations help is the best I have seen.”
Bryan Miller
President, Neptune Ops

Who we work with

DNC by the People
The Democratic National Convention brought voters together on an unprecedented convention night with Countable.
Building a culture of civic engagement
Starbucks promotes civic engagement enables voter registration across its customers and employees with Countable Organize and GOTV.
Gathering advocate voices for developing quality healthcare.
Coalition to Strengthen America's Healthcare gather stories that move the needle in Washington DC with Countable.
Make some noise
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America collects testimonials from volunteers for recruitment campaigns with Countable Testimonial.
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